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Stories to tell


A mama who’s companion was patience and belief welcomed her sweet little one in the wee hours this morning. Our best ‘guess’ for a ‘guess date’ was much earlier in the month. Mom has welcomed her other little ones on their earlier side of their guess dates, so mama has been ready to fill her arms for 5 weeks. She trusted her body and trusted her baby to reveal their wisdom to her; three hours from that first reckoning that labor had arrived to baby entering the world. Babe was perfectly ripe and ready, no signs of being ‘late nor early’.

Soon after baby’s arrival the most beautiful little stories began to emerge from this fresh one. Sitting quietly and with a captivated heart, we all listened to this little new spirit share amazing experiences about what it was like to be born and be welcomed into this circle of love. Sweet mewing’s full of inflections, pauses and rhythm. If you can gently slow life down, embrace a few deep breaths and listen, babies have the most wonderful stories to share with us.

Thank-you beautiful family for grateful heart full of love and memories.

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