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Emily's Story


My name is Emily Stiner and I started as an apprentice in the Fall of 2021. Before I was even pregnant with my first babe, I knew that I wanted to have a home birth and midwifery care. I had the joy of having Brenda as my midwife for my three children. I loved my experiences from start to finish and the seed was planted that maybe this was the path for me. In March 2021 I decided to take the first steps down that path with doula training through Childbirth International. I also started with Brenda as a birth assistant that same month.

I continued my education and became a Certified Lactation Counselor in August 2021. When fall came and my older kids were back in school, I started in the apprentice role and am currently doing a self study program through National College of Midwifery. Before starting birth work, I was a stay at home mom and still thoroughly enjoy the time I get to spend at home with my kids (Cora 7, Calvin 5, Charlie 2). In my life before kids I was a nurse; I graduated from the University of Iowa in 2008. I worked in a variety of areas: family practice clinic, general medical/surgical floor, cardio/pulmonary floor, surgery and nursing education. I live in Cedar Falls with my husband, David and our kiddos.

Update: beginning Summer 2024, Emily will be joining the practice as a Certified midwife following her own apprenticeship and certification process.


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